Missions is at the heart of Christian Life Center, and one of our core values. One of the greatest privileges we can enjoy in this life is to be an ambassador of Jesus Christ. In Acts 1:8, the first believers were told to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the entire world as witnesses for Christ. We are committed to reaching all people in all nations so all can hear the saving message
of Jesus.
Why Missions?
We encourage every follower of Christ at CLC to commit to missions by jumping in with both feet. Experience missions by praying,
giving regularly to support missionaries, and going on a Short-Term OutReach Missions (STORM) Trip (see below).
Working hand-in-hand with our missionary network, CLC is making a difference in countless ways around the world.
Your gifts, prayers, and energy contribute so much to the work of God.
Local & Global
Missions Support
We provide monthly support for over 50 local and global missionary partners serving out of our Northwest Ministry Network. One of the ways we connect with the missionaries we support are through monthly Missions Moments, where we invite missionaries to share about their ministry, what they are accomplishing, and any special financial needs for support and projects. Click here to see the list of local and global missionary partners.
What Are STORM Trips?
Short Term Out-Reach Missions (STORM Trips) provide both youth and adults the opportunity to travel to another country and assist the missionaries in the field that we at CLC financially support. These trips may include construction projects and special outreach events to meet the needs of the community where we can build relationships with the people we serve.